Online Driving Test
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Tailgating is dangerous because
- the vehicle in front can block your view of hazards ahead.
- if the vehicle in front of you stops, you may not have time to stop safely.
- you may have difficulty tailgating and talking on your cell phone at the same time.
- A. and B. are correct.
Correct answer is D
If the traffic light is blank, due to an electrical failure, you must
- treat it like a green light.
- treat it like a red light.
- treat it like a stop sign.
- treat it like an all-way stop.
Correct answer is D
When are you permitted to pass in the oncoming lane?
- when there is a yellow double solid line in the center of the road.
- when there is a broken yellow line in the center of the road.
- when there is a broken white line in the center of the road.
- you should never pass in the oncoming lane.
Correct answer is B
A black sign depicting a white arrow that curves to the left means
- the road curves to the left ahead.
- cars in this lane must turn left.
- left turns are prohibited.
- parking is to the left.
Correct answer is B
When can you make a left turn at a red light?
- never.
- when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street.
- when turning from a two-way street onto a one-way street.
- B. and C. are both correct.
Correct answer is B
A solid yellow line means
- it is safe to pass.
- pass only when there is no traffic.
- it is unsafe to pass.
- pass at any time.
Correct answer is C
If someone is tailgating you, you should
- slow down slightly to increase the space in front of your car, allowing you extra space to stop more gradually if you need to.
- move into another lane.
- pull over to let the tailgater pass.
- any of the above.
Correct answer is D
If you must stop for a train, then stop behind the stop line or barrier. If none exists, then stop at least
- 5 metres from the closest rail.
- 3 metres from the closest rail.
- 10 metres from the closest rail.
- doesn't matter how close you are.
Correct answer is A
At a yield sign you must
- slow down, sound horn, proceed.
- slow down, and proceed only if the way is clear, stop if necessary.
- stop, sound horn, proceed.
- stop, when clear, proceed.
Correct answer is B
A flashing red light means
- stop, and wait for the light to turn green.
- stop, and proceed when it is safe to do so.
- slow down to check for oncoming traffic and proceed when it is safe.
- the flashing red light simply indicates an uncontrolled intersection.
Correct answer is B
Which of the following has the right-of-way on green
- pedestrians crossing against the light.
- pedestrians crossing with the light.
- vehicles turning right.
- vehicles turning left.
Correct answer is B
Who has the right-of-way at an all way stop intersection when two vehicles stop at the same time?
- the driver of the vehicle on the left must yield to the driver of the vehicle on the right.
- the car on the right goes first.
- the vehicle on the left goes first.
- A. and B. are both correct.
Correct answer is D
At a stop sign you must
- slow down, sound horn, then through the intersection proceed.
- slow down, and only if the way is clear, proceed.
- stop, sound horn, and then proceed.
- come to full stop, and proceed only when the way is clear.
Correct answer is D
Where should you position for a left turn from one way street?
- close to the left side of the road.
- close to the right side of the road.
- close to the centre line of the road.
- does not matter as long as you signal.
Correct answer is A
Always drive at a speed which will allow you to stop within
- 200 metres.
- a safe distance.
- 100 metres.
- 50 metres.
Correct answer is B
A light with a steady green arrow pointing either left or right means
- you may turn in the direction of the arrow if the intersection is clear.
- you must check for oncoming traffic before turning in the direction of the arrow.
- stop and proceed in the direction of the arrow with caution.
- drive straight through the intersection.
Correct answer is A
Where should you position for a left turn on a two-way street?
- close to the right side off the road.
- close to the left side off the road.
- close to centre line or middle of the road but on the right side.
- it does not matter.
Correct answer is C
When driving in ideal conditions, how far should your car be from the car in front of you?
- 2 or more seconds behind.
- 3 seconds behind.
- 4 seconds behind.
- In ideal conditions, it doesn’t matter.
Correct answer is A
Uncontrolled intersections have
- no traffic signals.
- no regulatory traffic signs.
- no traffic control persons.
- all of the above.
Correct answer is D
Who has the right-of-way at an uncontrolled intersection when two vehicles stop at the same time?
- the driver on the left.
- the driver on the right.
- no one; drivers are equally.
- the driver going faster.
Correct answer is B
It is important to leave space margins between yourself and other vehicles because
- you will have room to stop or steer around if others start moving into your space.
- you can drive more erratically without worrying about disturbing other drivers.
- it's much safer to speed when you have a large margin of space around you.
- all of the above.
Correct answer is D
If your brake lights are not working you must use hand and arm signals to indicate you are stopping
- left arm straight out of the window.
- left arm out and down.
- left arm out and up.
- left circle motions with the left arm.
Correct answer is B
When parking facing uphill without a curb
- turn your wheels towards the road or left shoulder.
- turn your wheels towards the curb or right shoulder.
- straighten your wheels out.
- it does not matter if you set the parking brake.
Correct answer is B
The safe following distance is
- one car length for every ten miles per hour.
- three car lengths.
- two seconds.
- two or more seconds depending on road, traffic and weather conditions.
Correct answer is D
A flashing green light means
- this is a pedestrian-controlled traffic light.
- you can continue through the intersection as long as it's clear.
- this light simply warns you that you are entering an intersection.
- A. and B. are correct.
Correct answer is B
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